Monday, January 13, 2014

January 11 and 12: a fun weekend

Oh, dear, so much for my resolve of blogging every day. Somehow there just didn't seem to be time over the weekend. Saturday started a little slowly. Luke was home late on Friday night and I was silly enough to try to wait up for him :-). I ended up falling asleep reading my book, but I woke up enough when he did get home to register that he'd brought home the Downton Abbey season 4 DVD that he'd ordered before Christmas and was so disappointed hadn't arrived. But yay, it came!

Late Saturday morning we finally took down the Christmas tree. Everyone joined in, which wasn't necessarily helpful! After that task, Luke made a grilled cheese and relish lunch which was delicious, especially eaten outside. For some reason (lack of sleep, maybe?) I was super-tired after lunch and headed off to bed for a nap (nothing like a Nanna nap!). 

I needed to duck out for a few things from the supermarket and Luke had a little shopping list for Sunday's dinner, so in the late afternoon, I scooted out for a 'quick shop'. Hopefully writing it down here will remind me that I should never visit the supermarket on a Saturday afternoon. It's crazy-hour.

As I left for the supermarket, Pascal, Rohan and Luke were setting themselves up to make pop-up cards, which Pascal had just seen on Mister Maker. They were just finishing up as I got home (it was the 'minute make'!). The end result was just great!

After a simple dinner (eggs, cocktail snags and salad for the kids, the last of the leftover curry for us), the kids went to bed and I got to sit down to my first new episode of Downton. Of course I enjoy the story, but the costumes, the sets, all so sumptuous! After that Luke joined me and we put in his Christmas DVD of The Bridge, a Danish/Swedish collaboration crime drama where a body is found on the Øresund Bridge joining the two countries. Gruesome, fascinating and I can't wait to enjoy some more. It was interesting that even though we were reading the subtitles, it was still frustrating to have the volume a little low. I guess it is all to do with the need to hear context within the speech, even if you don't understand the words being spoken.

Sunday morning saw us up early to do some tidying ready for Luke's mate Perry and his son Jamie to visit for breakfast (Perry's wife and older son were camping for the weekend). Pasc and Roh were very excited to have Jamie coming over to play with.

We had our fluffy pancakes outside (yum, with rhubarb and yoghurt is my favourite), enjoying the mild summer weather. The kids played everywhere. Despite Pascal complaining yesterday that there was bird poo on the trampoline (she's been calling the starlings, which are in huge flocks at the moment, poo-birds because they poo on the trampoline!), it didn't seem to bother them today! If they'd told me they were heading down, I'd have organised to check it and clean it, but by the time I realised it was way too late! Oh well. They also enjoyed Josie's water table, and even sat down quietly to do some drawing.

After our guests had left, there was Lego to build! Luke and Rohan worked on Dogpound's van (Rohan's Christmas TNMT Lego set) and Pascal and I worked on Olivia's House. Once it had started, we put the first One Day International cricket match between Australia and England on in the background, and had a lovely afternoon. Pascal still finds some challenges in the Lego building endeavour. There are times she gets really frustrated, but also times she finds it an absolute breeze. She was talking aboutt as having her "easy brain" on. :-)

A new innovation, Sunday night is Luke's night to organise dinner, and tonight was marinated prawns on the BBQ with a dipping sauce, and salad from the garden (but bought tomatoes, we're still waiting for some of our tomatoes to ripen). There were also snags for the kids and to bulk it out a little for the grown-ups. It was a perfect BBQ evening, and the food was delicious. 

Our evening was spent with the cricket, more Lego and knitting. Luke had gotten the taste for building while helping Rohan so he found a medieval scene set to put together. After the kids had gone to bed there was a little bouncing out, and one time, Rohan popped up. He looked at the box of the set, and said "Wow, how are you going to build all of that in one night??". It was very cute!

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