Tuesday, December 31, 2013

reviving the everyday

There was a temptation to start a whole new blog for a whole new year, but while I began this blog as a project365 photo blog, its focus was the everyday, and that is what I plan (hope) to record starting here at the very end of 2013.

So much of everyday life gets lost in the busyness of life, and occasionally you find something that brings memories flooding back. It's the little things, which seem so insignificant at the time which bring such joy at a later time.

I've been sporadically participating the the Fat Mum Slim photo-a-day challenge, and hope I can keep that up consistently for 2014. I'll pop these photos up here as well.

But to see out 2013, here is our latest Santa photo. Luke and I didn't plan to be in the photo, but when Josie had a meltdown (a very squirmy "get-me-outta-here" kind of meltdown) the instant she was sat up on Santa's lap, us joining in was the only option. I wasn't thrilled at the time, but then I remembered my resolve to not avoid photos of myself (and I'm keeping that resolve for Luke as well) and I'm very glad we did it. I haven't had a photo with Santa for a very very long time (in fact, I'm not even sure there are any currently in existence), and, truth be told, it's kinda fun.

Happy New Year everybody.

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